Data Analysis in Python

01.07.2024 - 02.07.2024
09:00 - 16:00
to be announced

This workshop takes place in cooperation with the GMZ.

This workshop shows how to do basic data analysis in Python using Pandas and related packages. Topics covered include:

  • Data science packages overview
  • IPython
  • NumPy basics
  • Importing data
  • Basic data manipulation with Pandas
  • Plotting with Matplotlib and Seaborn

Students are expected to be familiar with basic Python concepts such as package management, data types, control flow constructs (conditions and loops), and functions. A working Python environment (for example as provided by Anaconda) is necessary to follow along in the workshop. Using many examples, this workshop will introduce the tools to implement a basic data analysis workflow in Python. This includes working with IPython, importing data from various text file formats, working with NumPy arrays and Pandas data frames, and creating visualizations of specific aspects of the data.