For general enquiries: Come in for a personal consultation!
In the course of their studies, most doctoral candidates will at some point experience a certain crisis phase. For example, at the beginning it might be difficult to define the topic and narrow down the research question. As the research progresses, you might realize that you have too much or too little material available. And when the writing phase begins, the question of how to structure the dissertation becomes the focus of attention. It also becomes increasingly difficult to lead a "normal" life alongside the dissertation, i.e. to meet friends or spend time with your partner. Towards the end, the anxious question arises as to whether the work you have done will meet your own and your supervisors' expectations.
The Doctoral Academy team is available to doctoral candidates who would like to discuss these and similar issues and develop solutions during consultation hours or by individual appointment.
TIP: If you would like to take advantage of advice that is more strongly based on a specific specialist culture, you can find out more about the respective academic background of the team members and then decide who you would like to talk to.

Arrange a personal consultation at:
Doctoral Academy Graz
+43 316 380 - +43 316 380 - 1212
Leechgasse 42/EG
8010 Graz
Personal consultation per scheduled appointment. Available online, per phone call or in person at Leechgasse 42/EG.
Find out more about doctoral supervision here
Resources and information on crisis phases in the doctorate.
You can find out more about the general funding and financing options for doctoral candidates here.
Information and materials on writing abstracts, scientific standards and integrity can be found here.

Courses and coaching offered by the Doctoral Academy
In order to successfully complete a doctoral programme, specific skills are required. The Doctoral Academy Graz therefore supports you with a customised range of courses in which you can also acquire qualifications relevant for successful international research careers.
The Doctoral Academy also offers coaching sessions with experienced experts. Doctoral students at the university can choose between coaching on topics such as career development, conflicts, decisions, etc. with Dr Lisa Horvath or Eva Taxacher or coaching in academic resilience with Dr Desiree Dickerson.
Click here to register for courses or coaching sessions!
Funding for all doctoral candidates
Funding for active participation in extracurricular events
If you have any questions about funding opportunities for active participation in conferences, workshops, summer/winter schools etc., please contact doctoral-academy(at)
Travel funding for international reviewers of dissertations (NAWI and URBI faculty)
Dissertation reviews written by international researchers increase the chances of doctoral graduates being able to apply for postdoctoral positions.
Stays by international reviewers to participate in a defence and other networking activities in Graz increase the connection of young researchers to the scientific community.
The Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Gender Equality therefore provides up to € 650 for international reviewers for travel costs/accommodation (number of overnight stays within the maximum cost coverage is free) per doctoral candidate.
Interested parties should submit an application form to the Doctoral Academy, in cc Dean's Office.
Please note that this funding is currently only available for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences!
Note on networking activities
If international reviewers come to Graz for dissertation defences, this stay should ideally be combined with a specialist lecture or similar networking activity (exchange with doctoral candidates, workshops, etc.). Due to the impact on the climate, travelling by air solely to attend a defence should be avoided wherever possible. The participation of external members of the examination committee exclusively in a defence should continue to take place online.
Funding for RCC consortia and doctoral programs
What are RCC consortia?
Answers to this question and information on candidate status and admission requirements can be found here.
Funding and services for RCC consortia
Click here for the services and funding for RCC consortia.
Funding for extracurricular academic events for doctoral programs
The call takes place twice a year (spring, autumn), 3x 3,000 € are awarded per call.
Doctoral programs and their spokespersons are invited to apply by email before the start of each call period.
Further information can be found in the application guidelines.
If you have any questions, please contact doctoral-academy(at)
Further resources
Additional support services
UNIKID: Completing a doctoral programme while having care responsibilities |
Center for Integrated Studies: Completing a doctoral programme with a physical disability or chronic illness |
ÖH Generations Department: Doctoral candidates 40+ |
Department for foreign students of the ÖH (Austrian student's representation) |
Psychological student counseling |
Crises in the doctoral phase |
Online resources
Resources directed specifically at PhD students:
Thesis whisperer: This is a blog newspaper dedicated to the topic of doing a thesis and is edited by Dr Inger Mewburn, Director of research training at the Australian National University. The blog is also worth reading as a supervisor!
Thomson: This website is managed by Pat Thomson, Professor of Education in the School of Education, The University of Nottingham. The main idea is to help doctoral students write. The site is mainly directed at students writing within the humanistic and social science disciplines
Phinished: An online resource for PhD students with good advice and links to everything about living and working as a PhD student
PhDComics: Mostly for fun...