Good scientific practice
Knowledge, communication and promotion of good scientific practice are fundamental to high-quality research performance - without scientific integrity there is no scientific quality. It is therefore necessary to establish good scientific practice as an ever-present topic of scientific work. From Master's students to experienced researchers, from first semester students to dissertation supervisors - good scientific practice affects everyone, albeit in different ways. Therefore, this page lists information and offers that support researchers of all qualification levels in the area of good scientific practice.
Ethical concerns
The Ethics Committee of the University of Graz provides support on ethical issues.
Formal requirements
Principles for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and Preventing Misconduct in Science, Resolution of the Senate of the University of Graz, March 10, 2004. |
Guidelines for standards of good scientific practice and scientific ethical principles (Austrian University Conference) |
GWP Guidelines of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (ÖAWI) |
Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice of the German Research Foundation |
The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity |
Singapore Statement on Research Integrity |
Helpful national and international networks
- Open Educational Resources on the topic of writing
- Cope - Committee on Publication Ethics (Guidelines, Best Practice ...)
- ICMJE Recommendations on Authorship
- Network of Austrian university ombudsman offices
- Think. Check. Attend. gives researchers an overview of reputable scientific conferences.
- Think. Check. Submit. gives researchers an overview of reputable journals.
- Austrian Agency for Research Integrity
Teaching and learning materials
The eLearning environment of the OeAWI offers documents on the following contents:
- Authorship & Publication (English)
- Data Management (English)
- Good Scientific Practice (English)
- Plagiarism (English)
- Research Misconduct (English)
In addition, courses from the EU project VIRT²UE on the following topics are also available:
- Introduction to Research Integrity
- Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity (English)
- Virtue Ethics under current research conditions (English)
The courses are seen as a starting point to discuss and reflect on the topics with the respective target groups on site at the institutions. In order to reach both Austrian and international students and researchers, the materials are offered in English.
You can find more information on the content here:
You can register for the e-learning platform here:
Events at the University of Graz
The University of Graz offers students and researchers support and further training opportunities in the field of good scientific practice through a series of events.
Some examples are listed below:
The Graz Methodology Competence Center (GMZ) and the BioTechMed-Graz cooperation network also offer workshops and events on this topic.