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Newsletter für Doktorand:innen - Newsflash for Doctoral Candidates - November 2023

Der November-Newsflash informiert über:

  • Doctoral Academy Day 2023
  • Doctoral Academy Workshops - freie Plätze
  • Get-Together & Get to Know Graz
  • Weiterbildungs- und Veranstaltungsangebote

The November Newsflash informs about:

  • Doctoral Academy Day 2023
  • Doctoral Academy Courses - free places available
  • Get-Together & Get to Know Graz
  • Training offers and events

Doctoral Academy Day 2023 - Making a Difference? Communicating Scientific Research in Challenging Times

Throughout their studies, every doctoral candidate eventually faces the question: How can I effectively communicate my research findings to the general public?

In light of increasingly dire research results – as are abundant in times of multiple crises – effective communication between science and society becomes increasingly crucial, ultimately raising the question of researcher responsibilities.

After all, if the research community does not talk straight – who else will?

This year's Doctoral Academy Day delves into the realm of science communication and related questions of researcher responsibilities in the face of concrete threats to societal well-being.

What: Making a Difference? Communicating Scientific Research in Challenging Times

When: November 23, 2023, 2.00–4.30 pm (12.30 pm Pre-Conference Drinks & Lunch)

Where: Unicorn Conference Deck, Schubertstraße 6a, 8010 Graz

Programme and Register: https://doctoral-academy.uni-graz.at/de/jaehrliche-events/doctoral-academy-day/

Doctoral Academy Courses - free places available

Was hat meine Herkunft mit meiner Promotion zu tun?
Workshop am 07.11.2023, Anmeldung bis 6.11.2023

Insider Perspectives on Academic Careers
Workshop on November 15, 2023, Registration until Nov. 13

Want to know more about:
How to present yourself when applying for a job in academia?
How to use social media to enhance your visibility as a researcher?
How to build constructive relationships with your doctoral supervisor?
How to behave in conference discussions and during conference dinners?
How to decide which stuff to publish and when?

If yes, then register now.

Getting funding for your research
Workshop on November 30, 2023

Productivity Shortcuts Session on Goals: Create an inspiring vision for your future

Get-Together & Get to Know Graz

Have you recently started as an international doctoral/PhD candidate at the University of Graz? If you want to get to know your peers and Graz, register now for our Get-Together in November.

Welcome to Graz & the University of Graz – Let us take you for a walk through the city!

In collaboration with the Welcome Center, the Doctoral Academy invites you to an afternoon walk through the city of Graz.

On this walk, we will stroll through the campus of the University, showing you the most important contact points for your doctoral studies. Then, we will explore the city of Graz, showing you important places to go along the way, so that you know where to have a cocktail, go out for dinner or find a cozy café in Graz. We will conclude our get-together with a (free) evening dinner and drinks.

When: November 16, 2023, starting at 4 pm

Where: The meeting point will be communicated shortly before the event

Further details and Register: https://welcome.uni-graz.at/en/international-staff/events/get-together/

Weiterbildungs- und Veranstaltungsangebote/ Further training offers and events

Fiasco Fest 2023: How to joyfully move from rejection and failure to your best professional self
November 8, 5.30pm is when the shot glasses and mini-quiches come out, for the Fiasco Fest: a night of celebrating the resilience and brilliance of researchers in Graz though sharing of professional misfortunes and the best ways to handle them.

Wissenschaftskommunikation vs. Fake News: WissKomm in sozialen Netzwerken
Workshop mit Prof. Helmut Jungwirth im Rahmen des Tags der Lehre am 9.11.2023

FWF-Webinar: Erwin-Schrödinger-Programm

Psychisch fit studieren - ExpertInnen sprechen über das Thema Psyche und Studium
mehrere mögliche Termine: 21.11., 6.12., 19.12., 16.1., 17.1., 18.1. via Zoom

Courses for Doctoral Students at the Technical University of Graz – Funding and Grant Proposals, Inventions, Technology Exploitation and Reflecting Entrepreneurial Activities
winter term 2023/24

Publikationsförderung & Open Access Deals


Universität Graz
Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz
Claim: We work for tomorrow